Creciendo Juntos

Creciendo Juntos


Past Workshops (2019)

May 30th, 2019: “Cultural Considerations in Engaging  the Latinx Community: Cultural Humility tools and Resilience” 

Panelist: Ingrid Ramos, LPC, Dr. Vivian Rodriguez, Psychologist, Fanny Smedile, President, Sin Barreras. View powerpoint here. 

Past Workshops (2018)

May 16th, 2018: “Cultiva: A Bilingual Mental Health Resource Panel” Panel guests were:  Ashley Peters from ReadyKids, Denise Hill King from Catholic Charities, Ingrid Ramos from The Women’s Initiative, Kate Modica from Region 10, Matthew Lamb from Region 10, Patty Roseberry from SHE, and Ulises Martinez from CAVA. Panel offered information on their bilingual mental health programs and services in Charlottesville. For a list of these bilingual services and more click here. Also available is the presentation given by Denise Hill King from Catholic Charities and the presentation given by Ingrid Ramos from The Women’s Initiative.

April 25th, 2018: “Unaccompanied and Immigrant Minors Information Session” presented by Tanishka Cruz and Deena Sharuk. View the powerpoint here.

February 14, 2018: “February Roundtable”

January 12, 2018: “Immigration Info Session” presented by lawyers Tanishka Cruz, Eddie Summers, and Doug Ford. The lawyers explained the nomenclature and process of Immigration matters. They also answered the participants’ questions and concerns. 

Past Workshops (2017)

October 25, 2017: “October Roundtable” Participants had the opportunity to network, share their initiatives, collaborate, build awareness, and support the projects that benefit the Latino population in and around Charlottesville.

September 20, 2017: “Latino Voices: Faith-Based Outreach to the Latino Community” presented by Creciendo Juntos, Sin Barreras, and The Charlottesville-Area Immigrant Resource and Advocacy Coalition (CIRAC). Churches and service providers got together to discuss how they could be of help to the Latino community. Shelter, food, tutoring, advocacy were some of the topics discussed. 

June 13, 2017: “How to Talk to Your Children About Immigration” presented by Vivian Rodríguez- Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Mike Garcia- LPC  Professional Counselor, Ms. Robyn Bolling- Principal of Greer Elementary School. The panelists answered and adviced the participants with their questions and concerns about immigration. Tanishka Cruz- immigration and family lawyer responded to the participants’ legal questions.

April 10, 2017: “How to Talk to Your Children About Immigration” presented by Vivian Rodriguez- Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Liz Ramírez-Weaver- LCSW Licensed in Social Work and Ms. Lisa Jones- Principal of Cale Elementary School. The panelists answered and adviced the participants with their questions and concerns about immigration.

February 15, 2017: “Building Bridges:
 Supporting the Psychological and Social Wellbeing of Linguistic, Racial/Ethnic, and Religious Minority Youth and Children”

(Handout and Resources List) 

Past Workshops (2015)

May 14, 2015: Developing the Latino Workforce presented by Valerie Palamountain, Dean of Workforce Services, Piedmont Virginia Community College, Anne Mercer, HR Consultant, University of Virginia, and Keir Zander, Program Manager, Community Investment Collaborative. A panel presentation on developing the Latino workforce. (PowerPoints: PVCCUVACIC)

April 15, 2015: Sexual Assault Awareness and the Latino Community presented by Darby Lowe, Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney, Albemarle County and Aaron Hernandez, Child Advocate and Direct Services Program Manager at the Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA). In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April, this workshop focused on sexual assault in the Latino community, the services currently being offered, and the challenges that remain. (PowerPoint)

March 12, 2015: The Benefits of Dual Language Learning presented by DeeDee Jones, Principal of Cale, and Rusty Carlock, ESOL & World Languages Programs Lead Facilitator, Albemarle County Public Schools. Speaking two languages at an early age has tremendous social and academic benefits. Dual language programs use two languages for literacy and content instruction for all students. This workshop covered Cale Elementary School’s experience piloting a dual-language Spanish program. (PowerPoint)

February 12, 2015: CJ Networking Roundtable. Participants had the opportunity to network and discover new connections, solutions, and resources with other service providers, educators, non-profits, government agencies, businesses, and community members working with the Latino population.

January 14, 2015: Understanding President Obama’s Executive Actions on Immigration presented by Tim Freilich, Legal Director of the Immigrant Advocacy Program at the Legal Aid Justice Center. Understanding the executive actions issued on Nov. 20, 2014, and how best to help our Latino community benefit from the new programs.

Past Workshops (2014)

December 11, 2014: The Affordable Care Act presented by Mary Frances Charlton, attorney and Affordable Care Act Coordinator at the Legal Aid Justice Center. Understanding the Affordable Care Act and how to best help our Latino community access healthcare with the ACA Navigators.

November 13, 2014: Legal Rights, Responsibilities, and Processes: What Latinos Should Know presented by Cynthia Murray, attorney, and founder and president of Cynthia Murray Enterprises. Covering a broad range of topics to aid and inform the community about properly navigating the legal system. (PowerPoint)

October 9, 2014: Effects of Domestic Violence in the Latino Population presented by Ingrid Ramos, LPC – The Women’s Initiative, Sandra Abbott – Assistant Director of Victim Witness, Albemarle County, Virginia, Patty Rosberry – Shelter for Help in Emergency, Advocate, Latoria White – Shelter for Help in Emergency, Case Manager, and Gloria Rockhold Peña, MA, MEd – Albemarle County Schools, Community Engagement. Voices from our community to discuss the issues involving Latinos and Domestic Violence. 

September 25, 2014: Central American Child Refugees presented by Mary Bauer – Executive Director, Legal Aid Justice Center, Russell Carlock, Ed.D. –  ESOL & World Languages Programs Lead Facilitator for Albemarle County Schools, and Ingrid Ramos, LPC – The Women’s Initiative. Issues involving Child Refugees – How are the schools impacted, how are the families adapting to the reunification of the families and how can we become better immigrant advocates. 

June 12, 2014: CJ Roundtable. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate, build awareness, and support the projects that benefit the Latino population in and around Charlottesville.

May 8, 2014: Drama Triangle presented by Ingrid Ramos, LPC – The Women’s Initiative and Gloria Peña Rockhold, MA, MEd – Albemarle County Schools, Community Engagement. The Drama Triangle is a powerful conceptual tool to understand personal and professional manipulation strategies and to provide solutions to these negative processes.

April 10, 2014: Bridges Out of Poverty presented by Certified Trainers for Bridges Out of Poverty, Jillian Dankel, Southwood Comunity Coordinator with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville and Gloria Peña Rockhold, Educator and Multicultural Psychologist, ACPS Community Engagement Manager. This introduction to Bridges Out of Poverty will provide participants with a breakthrough approach to greater effectiveness in their jobs and in their organizations when working with people in poverty.

March 11, 2014: Victims of Human Trafficking. Overview on human trafficking in the region, as well as the services provided in Charlottesville.

January 9, 2014: Mental Health First Aid presented by Becca Otallah and Jane Lewis, Mental Health First Aid Instructors. Learn about this interactive training that teaches community members how to respond to persons developing a mental illness or in a crisis.

Past Workshops (2013)

December 5, 2013: CJ Roundtable. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate, build awareness, and support the projects that benefit the Latino population in and around Charlottesville.

November 14, 2013: Transformation of Southwood: A Progress Report presented by Dan Rosensweig, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville.​

October 10, 2013: Housing Counseling: Financial Literacy, Rental and Home Ownership Counseling presented by Jo Olson, Certified Comprehensive Housing Counselor, PHA, Sarah Brazelton, Certified Comprehensive Housing Counselor, PHA, and Shelly Cole, Family Services Manager, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Charlottesville.

September 12, 2013: Housing Access for Latinos in the Charlottesville Area presented by Karen Reifenberger, Interim Director and director of Fair Housing, Piedmont Housing Alliance
and Brenda Castañeda, Staff Attorney, Legal Aid Justice Center.

June 13, 2013: CJ Roundtable. Participants had the opportunity to collaborate, build awareness, and support the projects that benefit the Latino population in and around Charlottesville.

May 9, 2013: Career Options for Latinos Students after High School presented by Paul Jones, School Counselor, Monticello High School, Adam Hastings, Director, CATEC, and Valerie Palamountain, Dean of Workforce Services, Piedmont Virginia Community College.

April 11, 2013: Literacy Development for Spanish-Speaking Children in Preschool: Helping Children Get Ready to Read presented by Karen Ford, Ph.D., Faculty Researcher in the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia.

March 14, 2013: Mental Health Services for Latinos in Charlottesville presented by Alex Amorin, LCSW, Bilingual Therapist at SARA- The Sexual Assault Resource, Aaron Miller Hernandez, Child Advocate and Program Manager for Direct Services at SARA, Stefania Fabbri, PhD, LPC, Director – Compass Youth & Family Services, Rebecca Otalla, MA, Bilingual Clinician- Compass Youth & Family Services, Senior Director Child and Family Center at Region Ten Community Services Board, Elizabeth Irvin, LCSW, Program Director and Bilingual Counselor- The Women’s Initiative, and Liz Ramirez-Waiver, LCSW Charlottesville Free Clinic Integrated Care Coordinator.

January 24, 2013: The Importance of Native Language Fluency to Succeed in English Fluency presented by Rusty Carlock ESOL & World Languages, Albemarle County Public Schools.