Creciendo Juntos

Veronica Espinosa – July 2019

Could you tell us your name, age, what do you work in, where you are from? My name is Veronica Espinosa and I am 33 years old, I am currently working as a cook in a restaurant and was born and raised in Mexico. Could you tell us how you got here in Virginia? In […]

Tiana Sigala – June 2019

Tiana Sigala is a 27 year old student who traveled from Phoenix, Arizona to Colorado to find the best fit for her academic career as a teen mom that dropped out in tenth grade. She is currently attending Piedmont Virginia Community College, and recently received an award (Kim Yoshiko Wright award for Sociology) for her […]

Johanna Moncada Sosa – May 2019

Let’s begin with an introduction of yourself starting with your name, age, where you are from, and where you go to school! My name is Johanna Moncada Sosa, I use she/her pronouns and I’m 21 years old from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina but my family is from Honduras. I am a Third Year student […]

Elizabeth Valtierra – November 2018

For this month’s Latinx Spotlight I got to interview Elizabeth Valtierra. Elizabeth is a young Latina with the desire and fire to bring positive change and awareness to and about our Latinx communities. Elizabeth is also envolved in our Creciendo Education Work Group as well as our Latinx Leadership Initiative. Interested in learning more about […]

Alexandra Maldando – October 2018

This month I got to interview Alexandra Maldonado! She is a 10th grader at Albemarle High School as well as an active CJ Latinx Leadership Group member. From organizing a charity car wash to starting her high school Latinx Club, this young lady is showing Charlottesville that the Latinx youth of her generation are here […]