Creciendo Juntos

Prevention Specialists serve on SARA’s Prevention Team. Job responsibilities include assisting with a range of prevention programming, including: (1) Recruiting, training, and supporting partners for the Ten Men year-long cohort, which engages male-identified community leaders in primary prevention efforts, through a monthly training and mobilization program that focuses on emotional literacy, equity, and changing social norms for violence prevention; and (2) Establishing partnerships and providing training and support to restaurants and small businesses implementing the On the Fly system to promote workplace safety, bystander intervention, communication, and prevention of sexual harassment. We are looking for a candidate with a strong teamwork and service mentality. Candidates must possess a passion for cultivating healthy masculinity in self and/or others. Desired skills include an ability to develop meaningful partnerships in the community, cultural competency and cultural humility, adaptability, long-term planning, training and teaching, listening skills, and an ability to connect with adult learners. This job requires a high level of professionalism, emotional literacy, and an ability to apply trauma-informed practices and health promotion principles. Fluency in Spanish is extremely preferred. Please send cover letter and resume by July 18, 2021.